Monday, June 13, 2022

Making Time For The Things That Matter

I learned today that a childhood friend lost his mother two days ago. I will remember Kathy as being warm and very welcoming whenever I would visit as a kid. It definitely gets me thinking, as my parents are right around the same age as she was. I don't know about you, but as I get older, now almost 44, time is definitely racing by seemingly more quickly. There's a sadness about it, but also a challenge - that is, to cherish the time we do have and to squeeze every bit of life that we have given to us. 

Another friend posted on Facebook a couple years ago, asking if what we're doing with our lives is truly aligned with what our soul values and is telling us, or if we're just doing things out of routine. That's an easy thing to do, to get caught up in the monotony and dreariness of day to day life. Soon the days turn to weeks into months into several years, sometimes with seemingly little happening. 

What is it that makes you tick? What are you passionate about? If there's one message that you could give to the world or even to just your close friends before your time is up, what would it be?

Don't spend so much time coasting and just surviving that you forget to actually live. 

My beliefs about what or who God is have changed significantly over time. One of my ideas or hunches is that we are, each of us, actually an incarnation of God being born into the world. Maybe God is a curious God who wants to experience life and love so much that they are born into the universe over and over again, as us.
If this happens to be true, what unique thing are you meant to learn and experience in your limited time on earth?

May you experience love and peace today. 
