Sunday, June 20, 2010

You and Yours

Your eyes were the most mischievous I have ever looked into, full of adventure. We had a passion I never even dreamed of having.

And yours I had the pleasure of looking into for hours that night, without saying a word, just holding you. It was one of the most intimate things I have ever experienced.

Your lips were some of the softest that I have ever kissed; there was a synchronicity there that just seemed to come naturally.

And we, we kissed at midnight on New Years Eve after your aged dog ate my box of chocolates. It was my first kiss, and I was terrible. We lasted something like two weeks.

And you, you were the one who took me by the lips and taught me. You were unrelenting.

Your kiss came to my cheek when I was a schoolboy, and immediately afterward I danced around the schoolyard in sheer giddy delight.

And you, you had a heart that matched mine. You knew who you were and you lived it out on a daily basis. i was privileged to be in the picture. You had a beautiful simplicity about you that drew me to you.

You and yours.

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