Monday, September 13, 2010

Thank You For Life

Thank you for each new day, for the opportunities they hold for new understandings, growing faith, and connection to You. Thank you for the friends and family whom I love and who love me no matter what. Thank you for my cup of vanilla-flavoured coffee and for dark chocolate. Thank you for butterflies, twittering moths and bunnies. Thank you that You are right here in my heart and all around me, if only I take the time to stop and be aware of it. Thank you for the smiles in the faces of children and for their laughter. Thank you for my niece Rachael who is 5 and my nephew Josh who just turned 3. Thank you for the look of pride on Rachael's face as she showed us how she can now ride a bike with no training wheels. Thank you for the sunshine, and for the coolness in the air on a late summers day. Thank you for faith communities who embrace diversity, places where I can gain new or forgotten insights, with people who uphold me in prayer. Thank you for good books and soothing music. Thank you that I have never seen war or famine. Thank you for new friends and old friends.

For all these things and more, Thank you Life.

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