Friday, November 26, 2010

Ramblin's: A Magical Weekend Ahead

Good afternoon. It is 440pm and there are only about 20 minutes left of sunlight, which I still haven't quite adjusted to. But that's ok, because: IT'S A MAGICAL WEEKEND AHEAD!

Right now I find myself at Matter of Taste coffee shop downtown Kitchener. The flavour of coffee I am about to enjoy is Chocolate Butter Crunch, which tastes like...give me a second to sip...chocolate and nuts...mmm. The muffin is banana nut, which shall be followed by one of the gingerbread variety. There are two workers (or should I call them baristas) working today. One of them seems to be of middle eastern descent, the other is wearing a hat that looks as if it previously was employed as a pot cover at my great Aunt Myrtle's. It's yellow and all quilty-like.

In a couple of hours I will be at my spiritual centre, called Unity for an evening called Deck The Halls. This will be my first year at this event. There's a turkey dinner (I can't remember the last time I had turkey this early!!!), followed by everyone helping out to decorate the centre for Christmas. That will be followed by Christmas carols.

Tomorrow morning i am heading into Toronto for the first time in a long time. I am very excited, I am going to see my close friend Ken. First I will visit my old friend the huge Christmas tree at the Eaton Centre, then I will find a comfy coffee shop to sit and read or write for awhile. Apparently there's this restaurant that sells interesting burgers that we'll be going to for dinner, and the selling point: apparently the waitresses dress slightly revealing. Don't worry, I'll cover my eyes. :) I'm really looking forward to it...the visit that is. I like the sights and sounds...and smells of Toronto.

I'll head home on the 1130 Greyhound and be back home around 1. It's debatable whether I'll get up for Unity on Sunday morning, but I always miss it when I don't go, and who knows, we may even be starting to sing Christmas carols. Who wants to miss that? In the afternoon I shall be putting up my tree while listening to the sweet sounds of Bing, Frank, Dean, The Ranking sisters, Amy Grant, etc. Then I'm planning on watching The Bishop's Wife, a holiday movie starring Cary Grant.

This gingerbread muffin is to die for by the way. Still, I haven't been checked out by any of the women in here...yet. This differs from a couple months ago at Starbucks when this girl and her boyfriend came in and our eyes met...on several occasions. Next time I'll slip my number...

I have a lot to be thankful for. A warm coffee shop, great coffee, yummy muffins, a nice sweater, a nice apartment. Friends and family that love me, a centre where I can go and be with spiritually like-minded people. And oh, egg nog. Who can forget egg nog?

'Tis going to be a magical weekend. I hope yours is too,

Mark Andrew...or for those who know me from before a year or so ago, simply Mark.

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