Sunday, February 13, 2011

Don't Need No Miracle

I don't need no parted waters
Don't need no burning bush
Don't need no water gushing from a rock
Or a stick turning into a snake
I don't need no speaking donkey
Don't need a rainbow up above
Don't need fire raining down from heaven
Or deliverance from my foes
I don't need to see the blind man touched
Or to see the leper healed
Don't need no water turned to wine
Or the multiplying of food
I don't need no demons delivered out
Don't need no hovering star
Don't need no tongues of fire
Or a grave without a stone
Because I believe when I see
Her hips, her legs, her eyes
I believe when I see
The sweetness in her smile
From where I stand she is my creed
My proof, my testimony
I am baptized in a sea of awe
She is my one and only.

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