Saturday, August 13, 2011

Overdosing On God: Time For An Extended Time-Out?

I currently find myself at Starbucks here in Uptown Waterloo, where I have just finished an iced coffee with milk. I am tempted to order something else, such as a java chip frapuccino - oh the chocolatey goodness. Anyone who knows me well should know that I have a huge weakness for chocolate, along with peanut butter. I was recently thinking that if I could, I would consume a chocolatey frapuccino for breakfast, lunch and dinner. But then I realized something; not only would I be 300 pounds within a few weeks, sooner or later I would get tired of chocolatey frapuccinos.

Which leads me to another question. Can we spend too much time talking about God? For me I think the answer is yes. Again, anyone who knows me even slightly realizes that I have a heavy interest in religion and spirituality; they are the main thrust of this blogsite. God, in one form or another, has been a part of my world and the Divine's name has been on my lips since I was a toddler.

And frankly, right now I'm tired of it, even sick of it. You see, I think that for me at least, I can spend so much time thinking about what God is and how life works, that my mind is turned into a pretzel.

Do I need to know exactly how God works?

Do I need to know the "right beliefs," whatever they are.

Do I need to make sure that I am in right standing with God?

Should I spend 10 minutes a day in prayer or 30 minutes?

Where can I get my latest self-help spiritual fix to make me feel better?

I used to have a single word that hung around my closet doorknob in my old apartment which read "Simplify."

Instead of having to know how life works, what if we dumb it down a little - or a lot. Maybe that's when we really learn. Instead of spending hours pontificating the deep questions of theology, how about simply committing to performing small acts of love for those within our life's own little circle of people. What if instead of wondering how we can change the entire world, we instead foster peace in our own homes and relationships.

People may not connect at all with all this talk of God and beliefs, but love, peace, and kindness go a long long way. These are things that not only touch people on a psychological, reasoning level, but on an emotional heart level.

I'd be happy if I didn't hear the word "God" for at least a year. I've had enough of debate and philosophizing and trying to figure out how life works.

But I will try to make more and more time for love, peace, and kindness.

1 comment:

Jay said...

Amen! And may you know who bless you!