Tuesday, May 8, 2012

The Continued Ignorance & Fear Being Perpetuated By Anti-Gay Religious Leaders

As many of you will know, I am the LGBTQ Representative for Kitchener-Centre's New Democratic Party. Tonight I have the opportunity to speak on a local TV show about Gay-Straight Alliance clubs within the government funded Catholic School System.

As Kitchener Centre's NDP, we are committed not just to tolerance and acceptance of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer/questioning individuals, but to celebrating their vital place within our society.  We embrace sexual diversity whole-heartedly. 

The local Catholic Board put out a document in January called Respecting Difference, which says  that “persons of homosexual inclinations first and foremost are human beings created by God and worthy of respect.” It is a tragic fact however that more and more teenaged LGBTQ  youth are not only being bullied, but are taking their own lives because they feel alone. Strong, supportive gay-straight alliances provide a place where these youth can be real, honest, and appreciated.  

Currently the Ontario Liberal government under Premier Dalton McGuinty is pushing through Bill C-13, called the Accepting Schools Act which allows for gay-straight alliances within both the Public and also government-funded Catholic School boards.

Yesterday, several people including those who represent religious groups, spoke out against Bill C-13, and as per usual, their arguments were fear-based and mostly ignorant of scientific fact.  One rabbi said that people are not bullied because of their sexual orientation, an unfortunately well-known Canadian evangelical leader claimed that his "precious 14-year-old girl would be forced to be taught about oral and anal sex," and a black leader equated the bill to slavery. Sheesh. Will somebody send me the current date, including year?  

To read more about this ridiculous meeting, visit Xtra!

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