Tuesday, October 2, 2012

My Tuesday/Wednesday Sabbath

Today is Sunday for me, though for most of the world it is Tuesday. It's just after 5pm and I'm at a local coffee establishment, and

I am.

I tried to amble out of bed around noon today, but that just ended up with me going back to bed til about 230pm, and even then I didn't bother showering and instead I grabbed my computer and made my way here to Tim Hortons. I need today and tomorrow so much after a very busy weekend of events that I attended on behalf of the Kitchener-Centre riding association of the New Democratic Party that I am happy to be a part of.

They were all wonderful events.

The first was a First Nations PowWow on the campus of St. Paul's University College at University of Waterloo.

The second was Take Back The Night, which exists to push back against violence against women, children, and the trans community.

The third was the Grand Opening of a Rainbow Community Space for the Waterloo Region Rainbow Coalition.

The fourth was a 25th Anniversary Open House for ACCKWA (Aids Committee of Cambridge, Kitchener, Waterloo and Area).

Now, after many conversations and picture-taking, my mind has almost shut off and I have no real energy for theological discourse or in-depth discourse of any kind, really.

Maybe times like this can be a good reminder that "being" isn't all about thinking afterall. I'm not saying that intellect is a bad thing, but today it was my body talking to me quite clearly when I exited my rooming house and it said "Don't do much, don't go far today Mark." I'm listening to my body and my soul a lot more lately, and it's a good thing, though my mind often tries to step in and say "Screw it. The way to work through this dilemma is by doing it logically!"

I - we - are people who need the clean crisp air, the changing colours of the leaves, the smooth hand on our back or face that says "Everything will be OK."

Welcome to my weekend.

Mark Andrew Alward

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