Wednesday, January 2, 2013

All Things Are Being Made New

"The beginning of the spiritual life is often difficult not only because the powers which cause us to worry are so strong but also because the presence of God’s Spirit seems barely noticeable. 

If, however, we are faithful to our disciplines, a new hunger will make itself known. This new hunger is the first sign of God’s presence. When we remain attentive to this divine presence, we will be led always deeper into the kingdom. There, to our joyful surprise, we will discover that all things are being made new."

~ Henri Nouwen, Making All Things New


Jim McDowell said...

There is a conditionality in Henri's statement...if we are faithful to our disciplines. That popped out at me.

Mark Andrew said...

Happy New Year, Jim. Yes, there does seem to be a conditionality for him that very well may be true. I find it difficult in this busy, 24 hour news, Facebook driven world to slow down, but I think it's worth it.