Saturday, February 28, 2015

Making Out To Nina Simone, & The Ill-Fated Banana Chocolate Chip Muffins


It never feels so good as when it feels so bad to feel so good.

Though it was several years ago now, the memory is still quite clear. I had traveled into the city to visit you; we had been dating for a couple of months and it was Valentine's Day. I met you at the college where you were taking a few courses. After a quick tour, we made a stop at the liquor store and picked up a bottle of red and headed back to your uncle's place where you were staying while in the city. You had bought the juiciest of tenderloins and cooked them up perfectly, along with pine nuts and fresh vegetables. I thought I would be romantic and I did something that I never do - I baked for you. Banana chocolate chip muffins, which were so moist they kind of turned out like cupcakes.

I slept on the couch on the main floor the first night - it wasn't exactly comfortable. The next night you allowed me to sleep with you - only in the literal sense of the word.

But wonderful things happen when you have candlelight, a bottle of red, and Nina Simone. Up to that date, I don't think I had ever had such a great evening. You were always a drop-dead stunner, turning heads wherever you went; I'm sure it must still be the same way. Hours passed, the red wine flowed, your kisses and our passion remain embedded in my mind. The highlight was when Nina started singing the old gospel standard "Draw Me Nearer Blessed Lord." You were still of the faith, I was not, but nothing really mattered in those minutes. God, it was good, so wickedly good.

Mark Andrew Nouwen

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