Thursday, March 8, 2018

Happy International Women's Day 2018!

Mom & I

Good Evening, I hope all of you had a good day.

I’d like to wish all of the phenomenal women in my life a very Happy International Women’s Day.

There are many amazing women that come to mind tonight. Of course there’s my Mom, who is the strongest woman that I know while still maintaining an open and sensitive heart. I have learned so much from her life story (some of which you’ll hear about in an upcoming blogpost!). Her resilience and decision to choose happiness despite much adversity is a shining beacon in my life.

I also think of other relatives in my life, like my Aunt Donna, who is the most giving person I have ever known. Her grace is an inspiration to me. There are cousins (shout out to Trish who I am very close with), family members who have since passed on, so many remarkable women that I have been privileged to call family. I am proud to be your (relation here).

Tonight I also think of the new and old friends in my life who are paving ways for women locally and around the world. Whether they be in the political world or on the forefront of women’s rights, their drive and determination inspire me. I feel lucky to be associated with them.

Below is a snippet of a blogpost that I wrote several years ago on International Women’s Day:

“I have seen much strength and am amazed by women.  Many of them go through drastic transitions, seemingly turning their whole life upside down.

They leave the security of a job they've held for years and start their own business.

They get involved in community projects that impact those around them.

They make the heart-wrenching adjustment as their kids leave home.

They finally leave a marriage that has been unfulfilling or toxic for years and start out on a life of their own.

They start exploring their spiritual and artistic sides that perhaps lay dormant for years.

Some do a combination of the above, undergoing a complete life change even though it is as scary as hell.

You want to see courage and strength? You don't necessarily have to search out a firefighter or a police officer. Just look to the important women in your life, no matter what their age may be. We can all learn from these inspirations.”

Tonight I also think of my wonderful friend who is transitioning into her female self, and the courage and persistence and bravery that it must take. 

I also think of the thousands up on thousands of women who are standing up and saying enough is enough, #MeToo, and #TimesUp!

To all my female-identifying friends tonight, I want to say thank you so much for all I have learned and continue to learn on a daily basis from you. 

I love you,

mark andrew