Friday, March 2, 2018

The Cold Hands Of Technology


Lately I've been thinking a lot about how, although technology and the internet have made the world a smaller place, in some ways they've also made the world a colder place. (I realize the irony of the situation, writing about the negatives of technology while on my computer...and online.)

We all have friends who are basically e-friends, or Facebook friends. We also have friends that are text friends. The days of phoning a friend, or even regularly getting together with friends, seem to be waning. We tell ourselves that we're too busy or that it's too awkward to have anything more than e-contact. Either that or we just don't put the effort into it.

All of this can leave us feeling isolated and lonely if we don't have a circle of friends, or even one or two friends, that we get together with regularly.

I find many e-conversations to be frustrating and cold. They can give the illusion of being close with someone, while maintaining quite the distance from them. Do you ever have text conversations that take days, if not weeks to complete? I find this to be difficult. I send a text off asking a question or suggesting that we get together in real life, and then I don't hear from some people for days or weeks. Yes, it's all so cold.

E-friendships can have their benefits though, such as when a friend moves away, or if you're trying to meet new people or a partner. Introverts can be particularly appreciative of such friendships.  I have an introverted side to me.

But I know that I need face-to-face, real connections with people. I need to be in the company of people, to see their mannerisms, their facial expressions, to have eye contact with them. I think we are meant for relationship, for connection with people. To that end, I'm thankful to be getting together with a good friend for coffee today, and for a new volunteer opportunity that will get me out and interacting with more people.

Are you ever left feeling empty by e-friendships? What do you find to be the strengths and weaknesses of such interactions?

I hope you're having a good day. I love you.

mark andrew