Monday, March 12, 2018

What Do You Hear When You Finally Stop?

Good afternoon, I hope your Monday is going well and that you're recovering from setting your clocks forward on the weekend.
I have traveled out of the city for a week in order to relax and spend some time with family and friends.
This afternoon I found myself alone and just needing to rest and be quiet.
What do you hear when you finally stop?
What do you feel?
These can sound like basic questions, but the answers can be telling. For some of us, we rarely do stop and listen to what our inner voice or our bodies are telling us. We're busy with work, appointments, weekly engagements, taking care of the kids, all sorts of things.
What's more is that when we aren't busy we find ways to avoid checking in with ourselves. We fire off a tweet or text, or jump on Facebook for sometimes hours at a time. All of this can be exhausting, even though technically it is our "down time."
So this afternoon I just layed on the couch in silence, allowing whatever feelings that were there to come up to the surface without judgment.
This afternoon the feeling in my body is one of deep sadness and grief. And that's ok. I can't quite nail down why exactly I feel this way, and that's ok. It's just important for me to give permission for these feelings to be here. They won't be here forever, they'll pass, but for now I'll sit with them. I'll put on some sad music, not in order to sulk, but to in a way honour what and how I'm feeling.
Have you stopped today? What are you feeling? What is your body and inner voice saying to you?