Sunday, September 19, 2010

Autumn Is Coming

It's one of the best times of the year. Next to Christmas, this is it. Autumn.

The trees are already starting to change colours.

It's sweater weather.

The coffee shops are starting to advertise such beverages as Ginger Snap Latte's and Caramel Apple Cider.

It will only be a month or so before stores start displaying their Christmas merchandise. This used to annoy me to no end (the commercializatin of Christmas blah blah blah) but now I enjoy it. I will have my tree up the first of November.

It is the perfect time of year for a walk in the park to see the ducks, geese, and herons.

You say farewell to the fullness of summer, only to soon say hello to Father Christmas, with Bing and Frank and Jimmy Stewart.

And this vanilla coffee tastes all the better. For fall is upon us.

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