Thursday, September 16, 2010


The sound of birds tweeting and of ocean waves lapping up onto the shoreline.

The laughter and inquisitive look of wonder in a child’s eyes as she discovers something for the very first time.

A majestic blue heron coming in for a landing while a gaggle of Canada geese tiptoes on a nearby hillside.

The friendly greeting of a bus driver as you plunk your change into the slot and head downtown.

The wavy, long-flowing hair of the stranger in the soft white buttoned-up sweater sitting across from you in the library.

Knowing that even though we are strangers, we aren’t that different after all; that there is a common bond between us.

The sound of an oboe and piano intermingling with each other in a simple song.

Every heartbeat, pumping both blood and a life-force as ancient as the stars.

Each inhalation breathing in peace and comfort. Each exhalation breathing out calm and tranquility.

Knowing that my desires and needs will not go unmet, that in this moment Divine Spirit is working on my behalf.



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