Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Pulled Pork, Lost Dogs, And The Devil's Music

I really don't like the term "pulled pork." That's all.
Waterloo, Ontario

Soundtrack: AC/DC - Highway To Hell

Good Evening,

First of all, AC/DC, where have you been all my life? Lately I've been seeking out classic rock, hell, even modern rock. Recently I've added some AC/DC, The Who, Audioslave, Melissa Etheridge, and Bryan Adams to my collection, with notions of adding some Led Zeppelin, Bon Jovi, etc in the near future. I grew up almost solely listening to Christian music, so you can imagine AC/DC wasn't exactly in the mix. But enough about that.

This will be a rather random entry, as it's one of those evenings where I feel like writing but don't really have a set topic to write about. So here goes...

1) Does anyone else have a problem with the term "pulled pork"? I mean, I like eating it, but I'm uncomfortable with saying it or even reading it.

2) Lately my Facebook news feed has been full of lost dog posts. I mean, I get that there are a lot of pet lovers out there, but it's getting a little annoying, just sayin'. (Somewhat related, I remember when I made the joke that whenever I see an Amber Alert, I look around for hot girls named Amber. My uncle wasn't impressed. Oh well.)

3) I turn 40 this upcoming July. It's a big number, and you'd think I'd be depressed about it, but I think I went through my mid-life crisis the last couple of years, and like measles, I'm hoping it isn't a recurrent thing.

4) Is there anything better than Sunday afternoon breakfast? On Sundays after attending my Unitarian congregation, I make it a habit to frequent a pub Uptown that serves breakfast until 2pm on the weekends. I always order "The Highlander," which is a nice way of saying "for those who want to eat absolutely everything, plus french toast."

5) Speaking of my Unitarian congregation, we have a new minister filling in while our regular minister is away on sabbatical for three months. All she had to do was to quote Pema Chodron and Thich Nhat Hanh, and I was won over.

6) I'm looking for a new wallpaper for my desktop. I currently have Mr. Rogers on my desktop. Yes, really. If you have any suggestions, feel free to leave them in the comment section on good ole FB.

7) I currently have 7 candles lit in my bedroom here in Waterloo. Somehow I think Norah Jones would be a more appropriate soundtrack right now, but this AC/DC album is just too good.

8) Tomorrow night I might go back to this meditation group that rents out the hall in my church on Wednesday nights. We sit in silence and then drink exotic teas, like Bengal Tiger Chai or some shit like that.

I'll leave you with this video which I found hilarious when I came across it yesterday:

mark andrew