Thursday, August 10, 2023

Are Religious People Suffering From OCD?

I'm currently downtown Kitchener at Starbucks and spending some time journaling. One of my recurring thoughts goes something like this: 

Sometimes I think religious people - at least some of us/them - are suffering from a large, chronic case of obsessive-compulsive disorder. I know quite vividly and personally what OCD looks like. It's the obsession that something bad or worse is going to happen if we don't complete some sort of compulsive task. For me, a bit earlier in my life, it meant exhaustively and repeatedly washing my hands or checking that the stove was off or that the doors were locked. So what would religious OCD look like? Perhaps for many people it's the persistent, obsessive thought (and fear) that "I must believe certain things or do certain things, or else God is going to be disappointed or even angry with me and will cast me aside, maybe even into Hell." I lived with these thoughts and fears all through til the end of my Bible college days. I thought that if committed certain "sins" and didn't pray and repent enough, that I was going to be cast into Hell by God (who paradoxically I surmised was also all-loving.) It was utterly exhausting. 

A question that I have is: If grace and love are to be taken seriously, especially what is thought to be perfect grace and the purest love, then how can it be dependent on what we do or what we believe? Exactly when did my present state and eternal fate become dependent on my ability to give mental assent to a set of theological doctrines?

I was somehow able to leave regular OCD behind (except for minor exceptions) some time ago. Now there is no need to take on religious doom and gloom and fret over my eternal soul.


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