Tuesday, August 29, 2023

Bogart, Bacall, & A Bottle Of Shiraz

Tuesday, August 29, 2023 - 12:01a.m.
Waterloo, Ontario

A few days ago a delightful old college friend messaged me and attached scans of our old college newsletter, wherein I would publish my ramblings from time to time. We're talking back around the year 2000/01. One thing that I wrote about back then was getting together with my friend Darren at his house, where we'd watch an old black and white movie and listen to some soft jazz while imbibing Banrock Station Shiraz from Australia. It sounds like the perfect date cone to think of it, but alas it was just two dudes who loved classic movies, jazz, and wine hanging out while his little dachshund Princess furiously dug into the carpet. We'd watch Audrey Hepburn, Cary Grant, Humphrey Bogart and Lauren Bacall among others. I really miss those days. Tonight I searched for this friend on Facebook and Google and found very little.

This afternoon I went to my friend Jay's place and let his dog Clancy out for awhile on a sunny day. He's a King Charles Cavalier Spaniel, and I've looked after him and his late brother Buttons from time to time. As I was walking home later on and nearing my house, I reached into my pocket as usual to fetch my key, and alas it was gone. Drats! Off to the hardware store tomorrow to duplicate my housemates key.

The other day I wrote a post mainly about where I am when it comes to religion. I wrote about how I was close to leaving Christianity again, and that there wasn't much tying me there. Tonight I'm not so sure. Of course more than a few of my old friends/acquaintances would argue that I haven't been a true Christian at all since I left evangelicalism 20 years ago, but I would turn around and say that progressive Christianity is a more than valid path. Anyways, I plan on re-reading one of the best books by a progressive Christian author I've read. It's called "Convictions: How I Learned What Matters Most" by Marcus J. Borg. If there are 2 books I would recommend to people that explain the progressive Christianity that I am drawn to it's that one, as well as "The Evolution of Faith: How God Is Creating A Better Christianity" by Phillip Gulley. He's a Quaker pastor in Indiana. Speaking of the Quakers, I've been meaning to pay them a visit again sometime soon. 

Anyways, thanks for reading my ramblings. It feels good to put pen to paper (okay, I'm using the app on my smartphone but still...) again - something I used to do 20 years ago. I'll call it a day aoon, right after listening to the soft jazz of Diana Krall.

Be well,


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